Crochet Lesson

Basic Crochet Knowledge Abbreviations and Conversions

Hi,everyone! I hope you're having a good day. At the previous posts, I've already shared about Crochet Essentials and Basic Crochet Stitches . This time I share about Crochet Knowledge: turning chain, how to count stitches, increasing and decreasing, Abbreviations, and Conversions. Let's check it out! After understanding all the Basic Crochet, you're ready to… Continue reading Basic Crochet Knowledge Abbreviations and Conversions

Crochet Lesson

Basic Crochet Stitches Tutorials

We have already learned the basic crochet: holding hook, holding yarn, making a slipknot and chains, counting chains, making slip stitches, and working in row, in the previous post , Now we continue to learn the various crochet stitches. Check it out. How to make double crochet (UK term) or single crochet (US term) How… Continue reading Basic Crochet Stitches Tutorials

Crochet Lesson

Basic Crochet Essentials for Beginner

If you want to learn about crocheting, the first thing you need to know is the Crochet Essentials, here I will share it. Don't forget to practice more and more. So, check it out. You can watch this video tutorial to make a slipknot and chains. Don't forget to subscribe my YouTube channel 😊.… Continue reading Basic Crochet Essentials for Beginner